yogurt parfait

Yogurt Parfait Recipe | Fruit Parfaits Recipe | How to Make Yogurt Parfait

What is Parfait?

Wiki explains parfait is two types of frozen dessert; in France, where the dish originated, parfait is made by boiling cream, egg, sugar, and syrup to create a custard-like puree which is not necessarily served in a parfait glass. The American version includes more ingredients like granola, nuts, yogurt, and liqueurs made in combination with a topping of fruits or whipped cream that are layered and served in a tall glass.

Here we are talking about the American version of the parfait. A layered cold /frozen dessert made with yogurt, granola, and fruits. It is a super healthy recipe using Greek yogurt. Plain yogurt, when hung to get rid of the whey, leaving thick and creamy yogurt, becomes Greek yogurt. It is a perfect breakfast recipe and easy dessert recipe too.

Let’s talk about the ingredients for Yogurt Parfait:

Yogurt parfait is a combination of Greek yogurt and fruits. I have used homemade yogurt to make Greek yogurt. You can also buy greek yogurt and proceed with the recipe. I love to set yogurt at home. It is very simple to do so. I shall soon do a post on how to make yogurt. Yogurt parfait calls for proper dessert cups depending upon how and when you plan to serve it? If planning it for breakfast make sure to use big enough dessert cups, however, for dessert, it can be served in small dessert cups too, as I did. Let’s have a look at the ingredients required for yogurt parfait:

Greek Yogurt: I know it as hung curd. Properly set and cold yogurt is taken on a muslin cloth which is lined on a large strainer. This is left for some time, a couple of hours and the results is thick and creamy yogurt, greek yogurt.

Fruits: You can use any fruits of your choice. I have used kiwi and mangoes.

Granola: Parfait recipes are very customizable. For instance, granola is the choice for any parfait recipe, however, I had sweetened muesli and therefore I used the same. Granola is a better choice, as it remains crisp for long.

Sweetener: I have used honey to sweeten the parfait. You can totally skip the sweetener or use sugar/maple syrup or any other sweetener of your choice.

Similar recipes on the blog:

There are a number of recipes using fruits, such as fruit custard, fruit curd, fruit sandwich, fruit cream etc.

How to serve Yogurt Parfait?m

Yogurt parfait can be prepared and refrigerated for 4-5 days. Make at the weekend and serve for breakfast during the busy weekday mornings.

How to make Yogurt Parfait?

1.This recipe makes 5-6 cups of yogurt parfait.

yogurt parfait

2.Place a large strainer on a large bowl. Line it with a muslin cloth. Put 2 cups of plain yogurt (dahi) in it.

yogurt parfait

3.Squeeze it using light hands.

yogurt parfait

4.Place some weight and put in the fridge for 2 hours.

yogurt parfait

5.After a couple of hours, you will get 1 cup of greek yogurt.

yogurt parfait

6.Mix 2 tbsp of honey.

yogurt parfait

7.Start layering the dessert cup. Put enough sweetened greek yogurt.

yogurt parfait

8.Next goes the chopped fruit(s).

yogurt parfait

9.Add enough granola.

yogurt parfait

10.Repeat the layers if you please.

yogurt parfait

11.Keep in the refrigerator till cold. Serve chilled. Bon appétit!

yogurt parfait

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Hi! I am CA Vini Mehta. A Chartered Accountant by profession, a food blogger by passion! First of all, I would like to thank you for stopping by at Viniscookbook, I hope you have a good time. Here, yo...u will find the recipes which have been tried, at times re-tried in my kitchen and relished on the dining table. I am mother of two kids and the wife of a person with a high and selective taste sense, so basically anything, before finding its place on the blog, has many levels to cross and clear. This journey started a couple of years back. Before that I was making the most usual kind of food. The only experiment used to be asking my mother how to make something new or different☺. Then, one day, I tried a recipe for butter cookies. And they did not get to go in the container as they were over before I could store them. That day I was introduced to the joy of experimenting with recipes. And I loved everything else that followed especially garnishing and photographing food. I am still not well versed with the photography dos and don’ts but I love to experiment and learn, be it photography or cooking. Hope you too enjoy this journey as much as I do☺! Stay healthy, stay tuned!.

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