Cream Cheese Recipe | How to Make Cream Cheese | Homemade Cream Cheese

what is cream cheese recipe?

Cream cheese is a versatile cheese. It is a cheese with short shelf life and plentiful uses.The good thing about cream cheese is that it’s a multi tasker but the difficult part is its availability, its price and its shelf life. being scarce, high and low respectively.

How To Make Cream Cheese

1. Heat milk : In a sauce pan bring 1 liter milk to a rolling boil. Switch off the flame. Let it cool for 5 minutes. Stir it slightly.


2. Add vinegar : Stirring very lightly, gradually add vinegar mixed with water. The milk will curdle. It will take some time. Do not stir rigorously.

Tips:Mixing vinegar /lemon juice in water ensures that curds (paneer) doesn’t taste sour.


3. Separate the curdlings(paneer) : On a large bowl place a sieve lined with a muslin cloth/cheesecloth. Pour the mix into this. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes. The green liquid and curds (paneer)will separate.

Tips:The green liquid can be used for making chapati dough or dals etc.


4. Process curdlings (paneer) with yogurt : In a food processor or blender add the curds (paneer) and 2 tbsp yogurt. Process for 2-3 minutes. Add yogurt if the mix looks dry. Process longer if the mix looks grainy.


5. Separate water from the mix : Put the mix in a sieve lined with muslin cloth. Leave it for 5-6 hours. I prefer to hang it to get rid of all the water.

Tips:Tip: If the weather is hot and the cream cheese might turn sour, put it in a refrigerator.


6. Bon appetit : Spread a spoonful on crackers and sprinkle some seasoning. Keep it refrigerated. Bring at room temperature before use.


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Hi! I am CA Vini Mehta. A Chartered Accountant by profession, a food blogger by passion! First of all, I would like to thank you for stopping by at Viniscookbook, I hope you have a good time. Here, yo...u will find the recipes which have been tried, at times re-tried in my kitchen and relished on the dining table. I am mother of two kids and the wife of a person with a high and selective taste sense, so basically anything, before finding its place on the blog, has many levels to cross and clear. This journey started a couple of years back. Before that I was making the most usual kind of food. The only experiment used to be asking my mother how to make something new or different☺. Then, one day, I tried a recipe for butter cookies. And they did not get to go in the container as they were over before I could store them. That day I was introduced to the joy of experimenting with recipes. And I loved everything else that followed especially garnishing and photographing food. I am still not well versed with the photography dos and don’ts but I love to experiment and learn, be it photography or cooking. Hope you too enjoy this journey as much as I do☺! Stay healthy, stay tuned!.

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