cold brew iced tea

Cold Brew Iced Tea Recipe | How to make Cold Brew Iced Tea

What is Cold Brew Iced Tea?

Chilled and very refreshing cold beverage made by combining loose tea and water and sweetener in a very interesting way is cold brew iced tea. As the name suggests the tea is not boiled in water to brew, instead it is left it water for a few hours. What happens is that the extract, flavor, and taste of tea come in the water without its sharpness, making the iced tea one of the most refreshing beverages ever!

Let’s talk about the ingredients for Cold Brew Iced Tea recipe:

Loose tea: I had loose tea and therefore used the same. You can also use tea bags to make this recipe. The ratio that works for me is 1 tsp loose tea for 1 cup of water to make 1 glass iced tea.

Sweetener: Simple syrup is indispensable for this recipe as the sweetener needs to be dissolved in cold iced tea and granulated sugar can give a tough time. However, it is totally optional and you may skip sweetening your iced tea if you wish.

Flavorings: For me, iced tea is lemon iced tea. Therefore I added lemon juice and lemon wedges to flavor my iced tea.

Ice: There is one more recipe for iced tea on the blog. When I showed its pictures to hubby he said: “there isn’t enough ice in the iced tea.” So this time I was more careful. I took a glass and added lots of ice and then filled it with cold brew iced tea. And this really made a difference.

Time: 12-24 hours! Yes be patient and give it some time. Certainly to fasten the process you can try and increase the quantity of loose tea and then reduce the brewing time but in that case, you will end up compromising with the taste. So go slow. 12 hours of brewing gives a mild flavor of the tea. If you prefer your iced tea strong with a dominant flavor of tea, brew it longer.

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How to serve Cold Brew Iced Tea:

Serve it chilled at tea time.

How to make Cold Brew Iced Tea?

1.This recipe makes 2 glasses of iced tea.

cold brew iced tea

2.In a pitcher take 2 cups of water.

cold brew iced tea

3.Add in 2 tsp of loose tea.

cold brew iced tea

4.Refrigerate for 12-24 hours. If you prefer stronger tea flavor brew for longer time.

cold brew iced tea

5.After refrigeration, strain it.

cold brew iced tea

6.Add in 4-6 tbsp simple syrup. Link has been shared in the ingredients list.

cold brew iced tea

7.Add in juice of 2 lemons. Mix well.

cold brew iced tea

8.Take few ice cubes in a glass.

cold brew iced tea

9.Pour the prepared iced tea on it. Mix. Taste and adjust if required.

cold brew iced tea

10.Serve chilled. Bon appétit.

cold brew iced tea

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Hi! I am CA Vini Mehta. A Chartered Accountant by profession, a food blogger by passion! First of all, I would like to thank you for stopping by at Viniscookbook, I hope you have a good time. Here, yo...u will find the recipes which have been tried, at times re-tried in my kitchen and relished on the dining table. I am mother of two kids and the wife of a person with a high and selective taste sense, so basically anything, before finding its place on the blog, has many levels to cross and clear. This journey started a couple of years back. Before that I was making the most usual kind of food. The only experiment used to be asking my mother how to make something new or different☺. Then, one day, I tried a recipe for butter cookies. And they did not get to go in the container as they were over before I could store them. That day I was introduced to the joy of experimenting with recipes. And I loved everything else that followed especially garnishing and photographing food. I am still not well versed with the photography dos and don’ts but I love to experiment and learn, be it photography or cooking. Hope you too enjoy this journey as much as I do☺! Stay healthy, stay tuned!.

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