Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe

Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe | Condensed Milk Recipe Indian

Homemade condensed milk recipe is milk and sugar cooked to smooth, thick and sweet mix. It is used to prepare many desserts, sweets etc. I also like adding a spoonful to my tea. Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe is a delicious yummy recipe.

I have a confession to make. Whenever I make condensed milk, (Home Made Condensed Milk Recipe) I let it cool and then I pour it in a bottle to store. if you feel the condensed milk isn’t smooth enough use a blender and blend it. Homemade Condensed Milk is ready when it is reduced to 1/3 of the original quantity of milk. It will have single thread consistency. The condensed milk thickens when it cools, so don’t over-cook it in order to thicken it.

How To Make Condensed Milk

1. Add 1 L milk in a heavy bottom pan.

Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe

2. Bring milk to a boil.

Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe

3. Add 1 cup sugar.

Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe

4. Add 1 pinch soda.

Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe

5. Cook

Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe

6. Cook, stirring it occasionally (continuously if possible)

Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe

7. To check, take a few drops of condensed milk on a plate and let it cool. Out of this take a drop between your fingers and try to form a string. It should have a single string consistency.

Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe

8. Let it cool completely. After it cools, store in a bottle for future use.

Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe

9. Bon appétit.

Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe

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Hi! I am CA Vini Mehta. A Chartered Accountant by profession, a food blogger by passion! First of all, I would like to thank you for stopping by at Viniscookbook, I hope you have a good time. Here, yo...u will find the recipes which have been tried, at times re-tried in my kitchen and relished on the dining table. I am mother of two kids and the wife of a person with a high and selective taste sense, so basically anything, before finding its place on the blog, has many levels to cross and clear. This journey started a couple of years back. Before that I was making the most usual kind of food. The only experiment used to be asking my mother how to make something new or different☺. Then, one day, I tried a recipe for butter cookies. And they did not get to go in the container as they were over before I could store them. That day I was introduced to the joy of experimenting with recipes. And I loved everything else that followed especially garnishing and photographing food. I am still not well versed with the photography dos and don’ts but I love to experiment and learn, be it photography or cooking. Hope you too enjoy this journey as much as I do☺! Stay healthy, stay tuned!.

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